Achieve Third-Party Visibility & Compliance

Get to know the datasets, models, and libraries that comprise your third-party AI systems to ensure they are secure and compliant.

cranium logo icon with digital icons around it and a purple glow behind
cranium logo icon with digital icons around it

Discover and Secure Your AI Ecosystem

Cranium Code Sensor uses leading-edge AI to uncover the use of AI libraries, models, and datasets, enabling the creation of your AI Bill of Materials (BoM). Unlike standard code analysis tools, Cranium understands the intricacies of machine learning within your code, providing more accurate insights and a deeper understanding of your internal and third-party AI systems.

Beat Security Blind Spots

Continuous Monitoring

blue line scanning a bunch of digital texture dots and Craniums logo icon

Access a complete overview of your AI system’s components, development processes, and compliance with relevant regulations.

Third-Party Risk Management

Report document with the Cranium logo icon

See and understand your vendor’s AI systems, and whether they are exposing your organization to vulnerabilities, non-compliance, and ethical dilemmas.

AI Card Automation

Cranium logo icon in the middle of a purple circle with glowing dots around

Using your AI BOM as a foundation, automate the generation of Cranium AI Cards to effectively demonstrate the trustworthiness of your external AI systems.

blue line scanning a bunch of digital texture dots and Craniums logo icon

Continuous Monitoring

Access a complete overview of your AI system’s components, development processes, and compliance with relevant regulations.

Report document with the Cranium logo icon

Third-Party Risk Management

See and understand your vendor’s AI systems, and whether they are exposing your organization to vulnerabilities, non-compliance, and ethical dilemmas.

Cranium logo icon in the middle of a purple circle with glowing dots around

AI Card Automation

Using your AI BOM as a foundation, automate the generation of Cranium AI Cards to effectively demonstrate the trustworthiness of your external AI systems.

Why Cranium?

Cranium Logo Graphic Full Color

Seeing AI is Knowing AI

Gain rich insight into the third-party AI that drives your business with Cranium.