Cranium AI Card

Easily generate and share a portable, customizable record of your AI system’s construction, security, and regulatory alignment.

graph showing percentage of scanned ACME system on top of a glowing circle and wavy line
Gradient circle with dots and gauge icon centered with "ACME 4321 Systems" text box at top

Simplify Compliance. Enhance Security.

Cranium’s AI Card is a revolutionary solution designed to provide detailed insights into the development, deployment, and compliance status of your AI systems, whether developed internally or acquired from third parties.

Address Internal & Third-Party Governance

Create an AI Card tailored to a specific pipeline, asset, or an entire organization. Effortlessly share it with customers, stakeholders, and regulatory bodies as a stamp of compliance.

Key Features

Keep Your AI in Check

Cranium AI Compliance Scoring is designed to evaluate and improve your organization’s adherence to AI compliance standards, like the EU AI Act, NIST AI RMF, and ISO.  By analyzing your compliance framework responses, Cranium AI provides a quantifiable compliance score that tracks and facilitates the improvement of your AI systems’ compliance over time.

Compliance score boxes - 50% and 75% with gradient circle background
Cranium Logo Graphic Full Color

Enhance AI Compliance and Third-Party Risk Management

Unlock the full potential of your AI systems with Cranium.